Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yom Kippur Haiku

the flag that waves, the leaves that whirl
speak the who each we should be
despite passing squawks or sirens

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


after A.S. Byatt

on my safe stool
to lifeless dust
no lightening struck

burned and utterly
small light
peace of my beloved

like straw on a dry day
and a deal
that holds its shape

and infintesimal moment
random speaks
threatened solitude

I read your mind
but I say
this has extended from the clearing

as unknown others
proceed apace
and forgive me

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Each Learning

for Martha & Andy

Marriage and Torah --
the essence remains
week after week, year

after year. Sometimes
in song, sometimes on page
or parchment, or at tables laden

with bread and guests,
we pass through a cycle
of again revealing

what is yet to be
learned. Earth is born
each time Adam

and Eve eat together;
Rachel and Jacob, in love,
suffer and redeem;

longing and ecstasy
read fresh, at a new
time, a new table.

Love, I am reborn
each day you love me,
receiving discovery
each year of learning you.