Monday, November 19, 2012

Reading About Bombs in the I.C.U.

sudden illness and sudden missiles
both cause sudden lack of balance
in light of sudden death's proximity

please sweep us safely with your golden wings
away from the shaking ground that opens
suddenly before gehenna and our frightened tears

Monday, November 12, 2012

unanticipated gratitude and a steady stream of sweetness
in small measure costs little but creates great delight --
search for ways to connect with love

in these short days and long nights
whether starlight or sunshine reigns o'er a moment
the air's positive charge longs to find its perfect home

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Ballad of 1 2 3 (Including Typos)

killed the dinosaurs. The same extinction event killed many
"Did they used to live on our side?"
very real. There, they love only in imagination.

"No problemo." He ripped the wheel, and they turned
which was no wimp, was on their left and gaining.
then fizzled out.

whenever she looked in his direction, she felt horrible
ate and violent turn. She pushed back and left the table
backward into the hall and said good-bye, making sure to

comb tied into the hair on the very top of his head, like a
behind them.
reading his hideous head.