Friday, October 8, 2010

Noah Acrostic

"...the basic acrostic is a poem in which the first letters of the lines, read downwards, form a word, phrase, or sentence."
--Handbook of Poetic Forms, 5

Now this is the line
Of all that lives, of all flesh
And the floodgates of the sky burst open
He was blameless in his age
Never again will I doom the earth
Of all that lives, of all flesh
And the floodgates of the sky burst open
He drank of the wine and became drunk
An altar to the Name
Require a reckoning, I will require it
I will see it and remember
God caused a wind to blow
He was blameless in his age
Two each of all flesh
Earth was filled with lawlessness
Of all that lives, of all flesh
Upon the Earth, increase
Some are guilty; all are responsible
Make an opening for daylight in the ark
And the floodgates of the sky burst open
Now this is the line